Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Last Song: My Final Product

Thank you for your help and support. I am proud to introduce you to the first issue of drip. magazine.

Canva (Prefered)

Google Drive:

If you do anything, do it with pride and passion

The eternally grateful, 

Alexa Clayton


Here is my creative critical reflection, I have enjoyed making this magazine and hope to make more.

Google Drive:


Drip magazine is a fashion magazine that defies the genre conventions of a typical fashion magazine. Being a teenager puts me at an advantage when writing about my audience since I have a better understanding of people my own age, teenagers and young adults. Furthermore, the use of high school teenagers as models for my magazine sets magazine from other fashion magazines. Fashion magazines commonly have a famous person on the front. A model for drip. is a magazine is that is inclusive, anyone can be model for drip. By breaking this stereotype I am expanding my audience. In doing so, I think I achieve my goal for inclusivity.

In this delimitation of model diversity, it allows me to make drip. a safe place for teens to be okay with being themselves. This adapts my magazine to my audience. Typical fashion magazines create an unreachable standard for beauty. Models for drip. will optionally wear makeup. I chose to do this because don't want a model to look perfect. This makes my model more vulnerable allowing them to be themselves. In doing so, I hope that the readers know that it is okay to be themselves and that beauty comes in many forms. My use of teenagers for the front cover of my magazine clearly depicts that my target audience is young adults allowing the consumers to clearly identify with my magazine. Drip Magazine is centered on the idea of fashion being representative of the personality of young adults. Drip magazine is centered around facilitating the consumer’s desired style. The social issue represented is the position of fashion in the wake of personal style. Drip magazine conveys the idea that personal style and the creativity that comes with it should be embraced as a way to boost self-confidence.

My magazine uses a variety of fonts and bright colored fonts and backgrounds to attract my audience of young adults. I also used geometric shapes and frames, a special feature on Canva to make my designs more aesthetically pleasing. In terms of distribution, I would start would distribute my fashion magazine at school, with permission, of course. If my magazine is successful, I would ask local supermarkets to sell my magazine. This would also distribute my magazine on SnapChat and Instagram since these are social media platforms that are popular with my target audience of 15-25-year-olds. Having social media pages on Snapchat and Instagram has become instrumental for fashion magazines like Elle, Cosmopolitan and Vogue to remain relevant in the digital age. In this way, I am adhering to genre conventions but I will still add a fresh perspective to magazine’s social media accounts.

Though I have used Canva before, I was not fully comfortable using it until I used it for this project. Canva is a graphic design service that can help you create virtually any design. It’s free unless you buy the premium version, which is not needed because there are so many things you can do without it. My favorite tools to use are the frames. Here’s how it works you drag a picture to the frame and it places your image within the frame. Cool right?! I also learned to experiment with different kinds of text. Canva has over 100 different fonts so I had a lot to work with. I also learned how to group different kinds of text. I learned that when producing something it is important to take a step back and analyze what you have done in order to find out what you need to fix.

I used mixed media for the creation of my magazine. I relied on editorials from magazines like Elle, Vogue, and Harper’s Bazaar for inspiration for my two-page cover story. I used Photoshop to create some of the graphics that appeared in my magazine. For the most part, I used Canva for the creation of the magazine.

I truly enjoyed this exprience it allowed me to have complete creative freedom. Who knows maybe I will create another fashion blog. I thank you for helping me and I hope you enjoy my first issue as much as I did.

Live in the moment
- Alexa :)

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Drip: Rough Draft

I think that this accurately represents what I want to convey based on my last blog post.
 I am still working on the layout for my two-page spread. During my peer review it was said that I should include my hand drawn drip. logo in my layout. 

Still experimenting

- Alexa :) 

In My Feelings: A collection of thoughts

What I want my magazine to portray

  • I want my magazine to be for anyone
My magazine breaks the stereotype of the typical fashion magazine because t does not use models that are typical 5'7 and frail. A model for drip. is a magazine is that is inclusive, anyone can be model for drip. By breaking this stereotype I am expanding my audience. In doing so, I think I achieve my goal for inclusivity.

In the delimitation of model diversity, it allows me to make drip. a safe place for teens to be okay with being themselves. This adapts my magazine to my audience. Typical fashion magazines create an unreachable standard for beauty. Models for drip. will optionally wear makeup. I chose to do this because don't want a model to look perfect. This makes my model more vulnerable allowing them to be themselves. In doing so, I hope that the readers know that it is okay to be themselves and that beauty comes in many forms.

  • I want it to be light-hearted and fun
I intend to convey this through the use of bright colors, geometric shapes, and fun facial expressions.
I also will use several different fonts to make my magazine seem more fun.


  • Relateable
I want the content to be relatable to the experience of being a teenager/ young adult. I intend to do this by using my genre representation research as a guideline. I also want to portray this by addressing the process of finding oneself and understanding who they are and what they stand for. I will mention the use of social media because it is essential in order to understand my target audience.

  • Variety
There needs to be variety to make my magazine more dynamic. My magazine has to be different than other fashion magazines, there has to be a defining factor that sets my magazine apart from others. I will do this by realistically thinking about how my audience is thinking about a topic that I address. This allows me to realize the delimitation in my access to my audience, I go to a school full of 5000 students so this gives me the ability to truly understand young adults. Also being a teenager helps, in understanding my audience.

-Alexa :)

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Guidelines for the habitual procrastinator

This week's schedule:
1. Magazine Layout(ML) BP
2. Genre Representation 2.0 BP
3. Magazine Layout 2.0 BP
4. Comparison ML BP
5. Add pictures to this weeks blog post.
6. Peer Review BP

There is always room for improvement.
- Alexa :)

Genre Representation: Young Adults

Young adults ages (15-25) are my target audience.

The following is a list of my things popular among my target audience with ways to integrate them into my magazine.

Netflix is the most popular streaming service among my target audience. I always hear people say "I don't have anything to watch on Netflix." Maybe I can include a list of recommended shows to watch on Netflix.

Snapshat is a service that is extremely popular within my target audience. I create a filter for Drip on Snapchat or I can create brief videos on dressing well and post them to Snapchat. Which is commonly done by other magazines like Cosmopolitan and Elle.

Instagram is one of the most popular forms of social media. My magazine is more focused on visuals so think that Instagram is a good platform post content. Content being an outfit or a photoshoot, or just me talking about the process of a magazine.

Twitter is form of social media in with the majority of my audience get their news. I could make ads and post them onto Twitter.

I can ask a group of people within my target audience about their favorite artist and style people for my magazine based of the style of the their favorite artist.

The Last Song: My Final Product

Thank you for your help and support. I am proud to introduce you to the first issue of drip. magazine. Canva (Prefered) https://www.canva...