Magazine Representation
In my fashion magazine, I want to represent teenagers of all backgrounds including gender, size, race, nationalities, and sexual orientations. Fashion is a form of self-expression that can impact the feeling of many teenagers; it can mean the difference between a good and a bad day. For people within this age group there is a common association with teenagers and being obsessed with our phones, indifferent to current events, and easily influenced by peers. These representations an over-generalized, in my magazine intend to defy these stereotypes.
Teenagers are seen as obsessed with our phones. What people refuse to consider when giving teenagers this label, is that the smartphone is a grants people access to a myriad of tools and entertainment. Teenagers are willing to put their phones down at willing to put down the phone at dinner. Adults use their smartphones for the same purposes yet teenagers are the ones that are seemingly confined to this stereotype. This double standard is something that I would like to contest in my magazine.
Another label that teenagers are commonly labeled with is being easily susceptible to peer pressure. I hope to convey the teenagers' rebellious spirit in this magazine. I want to demonstrate growth. I would originally display teenagers in a large group and throughout the magazine, the person becomes less like a sheep and more of a rebellious individual adamant in achieving their goals.